Thread: Pets
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Old 07-21-2003, 11:51 AM
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Originally posted by CasperTG
My beautiful Golden Retriever - Champers. Sadly, he's getting on a bit. Really bad arthritis in his hips make it difficult for him to go for walks - but HE LOVES his walks!!! It takes him about half an hour for him to limp around the block, but he LOVES it!! lol

The rest of the time, as you can see from the pic, he's fairly sedentary


To everyone......wonderful pets! TY for sharing!

For CasperTG........I might be able to help! Your story about Champers touched my heart! It seems most golden retrievers get the same joint pain. I was talking at work one day, about my neighbors dog Cinnamon (a golden retriever of about 10-11 y/o) and how sweet she is and how sad it is to watch her try to get up from a prone position. She wants, ever so much, to run and romp and play....and she especially loves going for rides with her "daddy", but for the past year she's had such pain she doesn't want to do much of anything. My neighbor can't bear the thought of putting her down and wished she would just die in her sleep one day. His vet told him to give her one aspirin a day and she might have less pain. It didn't help a bit. My friend at work said she had a golden retriever several years ago and her vet told her to give him AleveŽ (an OTC pain aid here in America.....dunno if you have it there). She said it was like a miracle......her dogs last few years were nearly pain free in that her dog could get around much better....and a bonus......the more excercise the better he felt! Just one AleveŽ and about an hour later her dog was up and running around almost like a puppy. So.......I told my neighbor this. Well.........Cinnamon has had the same effect! It's like a miracle to see her running through my neighbors yard now....and she can get up into his truck (whereas he used to have to lift her)........and he said she can get into their tub for baths now too. They found her in the tub one afternoon......waiting for her bath.....something she hadn't been able to do in over 8 months!

I don't work for, nor am I affiliated with the AleveŽ company in any way, shape or form, but I know from personal witness that the product worked for Cinnamon! I don't know if AleveŽ is available in Australia.........but if you checked with your vet and it was ok.....I'd be willing to send you some to try for Champers! Just one pill a day lasts for hours! Every critter deserves a pain free "golden" years! PM me if you want hun! I hope you will at least ask your vet about what I've said! *hugs*
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