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Old 12-17-2001, 10:52 PM
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Sweet Chastity Sweet Chastity is offline
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Canada
Posts: 58
I had a lover who convinced me to masturbate for him. He said that if I could do that comfortably then I was comfortable with my sexuality. I was nervous my first time, but I really enjoyed it and would do it for any guy I'm intimate with.

I'd also use a toy infront of him and hope he would feel comfortable getting in on the action, using the toy and getting rid of it when he's ready to jump in.

I find I sleep better when I've had an orgasm. I am calmer and seem to relax so I masturbate almost daily (sometimes more, sometimes less) so any guy in my bed is gonna have to get used to a nightly showing.

Sweet Chastity
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