Thread: Orgasms?
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Old 12-28-2001, 12:31 PM
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Sweet Chastity Sweet Chastity is offline
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Canada
Posts: 58
Wow! Thanks guys!

I had one man find a spot on me that nearly sent me through the roof! I figure this is my g-spot. Right now I'm just getting to know the man I'd like to have as my next lover, so I'm a little ways off from being able to experiment with him but hopefully soon! He's a single dad and has been for a while so he's moving slow.

If only I was double jointed! I might be able to hit that spot myself! My vibes aren't curved enough to reach that spot. I just got a new one, and the sales lady said that by directing it forward I should be able to hit the g-spot but no luck yet. I wanted one I've seen on websites that stimulates both the clitoris and the g-spot but they didn't have one at the shop here in town. So next time I order online! But this is a very nice one with lots of different speeds (with alternating rhythms which makes all my other vibes obsolete) so I'm having fun playing with it.

Thanks for the website mmm_mmm_good, I'll definitely follow up on that.

Thanks LoveDiva4u for the inspiration! I will definitely keep trying but I won't get all hung up if I can't. I hope to but the journey is just as much fun as the destination.

15 minute orgasms? Wow~! You are soo lucky Ophelia! If I can get that vaginal one down right I will definitely try that! I think the best orgasm I ever had was a long time ago with my first b/f. We were making love sideways and I can't remember which of us started manipulating my clitoris, but either way the orgasm was so intense that it made me feel light-headed for several minutes! I just wanted to lie there and enjoy it for a bit!

Well, if I have any luck, I'll let you guys know!
Thanks to everyone!
Sweet Chastity
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