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Old 01-12-2002, 04:55 PM
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sugarfreecandy sugarfreecandy is offline
Oral Freak
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 447
Sweet Chastity:

My impression is that most of the guys here do like having us play with their nipples, to varying extents. I know that whenever I touch my boyfriend there, let alone kissing, licking, or sucking, he is ecstatic. In his case, he didn't realise that the nipples were an erogenous area on his body until I started to experiment --- now that the realization has sunken in, he absolutely loves it. He'll even go so far as to push my head over towards his nipples if I'm kissing downwards from his neck to his cock --- which is really saying something, since I know the anticipation of me heading for his cock is pretty overwhelming! If he's willing to push me off-course from that, the nipple play must feel pretty darned good!

A thought, though, if you're not sure if your guy will like it: make a flattish c-shape with each of your hands, and caress upwards along his body towards his nipples slowly (starting at his hips or waist), with a gentle but firm pressure. Zero in on those nipples, catching them in the crook of your thumb when you finally get there. If he's anything like my b/f, he'll be arching his back and moaning by time you do! If he's not so excited by the sensation, he'll probably just respond to it as he would to any other caress across his side or stomach. I can feel the tension building in my b/f's body as I go, so I know he's really responding to this and not just acting out what he thinks I'd like to see when I actually touch his nipples.

As for dnr21, I can honestly say that I love the taste of cum. Yes, a part of that is definitely related to the fact that I associate it with my guy, and with the knowledge that I am giving him that most intense pleasure, so I can't say it's purely the taste --- but thinking about the taste alone, or even the smell, is enough to get me very turned on. I admit it, I'm an oral freak! (I think there's a whole society of them here, headed by Pantyfanatic --- I'm hoping they'll let me join! ) I've loved the taste of cum from the very first time I tried it, although it took me about a year of practise before I figured out how to overcome my gag reflex and swallow. Now that I can do that, it feels like the most natural thing on earth (with the possible exception of actual intercourse)...

As for getting your partner to enjoy giving you oral sex more, I think there are lots of great comments and suggestions around these boards, but let me give you a quick run-though of my thoughts on the matter:
--- There has to be equality: she also has to know that you love going down on her! (And it sounds like you do...)
--- Be patient, and don't put pressure on her: as I say, it took me a year to learn to swallow, and my b/f never once asked me to try in all that time. He was content to cum in my mouth or on my face or breasts, so I was able to relax enough about the whole issue that finally one night I just decided I'd go for it and try to swallow what he could give me. If I'd been tense about having to swallow, then I honestly don't think it would have worked.
--- Without pressure, you still have to let her know how much you enjoy what she does. The more confident she feels about her technique, the more she'll be able to enjoy just playing, and the more likely she'll be to experiment. (As I've said elsewhere, if you treat sex as a direct drive to the big finish, you end up unsatisfied, but if you can just enjoy sexy play and experimentation, you'll both be much, much happier!)

Hope that helps... Jeez, if I keep this up, OldFart and Irish and the others will have to get me my own soapbox!

--- sweetstuff
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