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Old 10-02-2003, 01:54 PM
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GingerV GingerV is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2003
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Honestly, I can see both sides of this question. I tend to come down on the side of legalization...but I honestly don't think it's the most important issue facing mankind.

What do aggrivate me are half assed, noncommital policies that suggest that use should be legal but selling shouldn't. Hypocracy pisses me off. Do it. Don't do it. Whatever. Don't faff about trying to please everyone.

Oh, AND, if you keep it illegal....make the punishment fit the harmless crime. Don't put people in jail because they've got a joint in their pocket.

(Ginge wanders off grumbling about the silly people in charge of the world, wonders when she gets her chance to run the place at long last )
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