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Old 10-29-2003, 11:38 PM
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Ozling Ozling is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: USA
Posts: 531
It's hard, but it must be done.

Personals Forum, "...introduce yourselves!" under it. Seems ironic, that I'm using this place to tell you all goodbye, and I'm sorry.

The past few months have been wonderful here. I have enjoyed everything, the stories, the pictures, but most of all I've enjoyed the people. Believe me, I take no joy from writing this thread, for it is most likely my last; and I really do not want to. A great many things has been happening to me lately, and those who care have noticed that I've not been around. I just don't have the time for this nostalgic paradise anymore. I have to many things to do, and I wish I could just drop them all to stay here and have fun with you great people forever but I can't. I may come around whenever I have time, mostly in the chat. But this is my official withdrawl from Pixies. Though some of you I know won't care whether I'm here or not, I hope at least one of your will. And I'm sorry to that set of people.

If any of you feel the need to keep in touch with me, you can email me at:

Hopefully by the grace of god something will happen and allow me to return full time to pixies. But until that wonderful thing that
happens, farewell.
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