Thread: Bisexuality
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Old 11-02-2003, 02:00 PM
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Cassiopeia Cassiopeia is offline
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I usually consider myself heterosexual, but lately I've been doubting it. In high school, I pondered bisexuality for a while, I even made out with two my close female friends while we were all slightly drunk. I have to admit I liked it a lot. However, at the time I decided that I was too inherently man-crazy, and dismissed that possibility. I still find myself to still be sexually attracted to other females now in college, perhaps more so than in high school. My preference still leans greatly towards males, I would really want to get married and have children some day as well. I don't have the desire to actually develop a romantic relationship with another woman, but I have been seriously considering being sexual with one. I'm mad at myself for being caught up with this societal obsession with labeling and categorizing sexuality, yet I feel that knowing what neat little category society labels me as would give a sense of security. Also, I don't know the first thing about approaching another woman. I'm a shy girl who usually waits for the person to come to me first. In addition, I don't know how to tell if a woman is interested in other women as well. I'm so lost! I'd really appreciate any thoughts or advice, thanks!
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