Thread: Advice?
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Old 11-12-2003, 06:48 AM
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LixyChick LixyChick is offline
Everybody Stretch!
Join Date: Aug 2002
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All good and sound advice from our Pixie men! Heed their words hun!

As to the woman's perspective.....I'll give it a go. You're young and you have the world by the tail and all the good ahead of don't rush in! A bar can be an ok place to meet new people.......but there are several other places to try as well. I can't tell if you live "at home" or are out on your own......but don't discount the local laundry facility. Lot's of girls your age are out and about, doing their shopping and laundry.....and asking about how the facility works can be a good icebreaker. Girls love to help the (seemingly) helpless. Then there is the local library.....or the library closest to the college. A look and a smile from across the top of a book can be a great icebreaker as well. And, I mentioned girls out shopping.......go to a mall or a grocery store. Spend some time people watching (girl watching) and ask questions as to the best way to choose a steak or if those sweaters you are both looking at weren't on sale a week ago. Take the cue from the girl you have your eye on..........does she look at you when she replies.....did she touch her hair or move a bit closer to help? All good indications of interest. And you'll know the indications of disinterest....especially if you get hun! Just talk about the immediate common interest according to the scenario......and if she stays put for more than a few minutes.....she's interested! It's hard to say what attracts some and sends others running.........but only you can find out what that "certain something" is about you! Learn from your mistakes or you'll be doomed to repeat them! As said above.....don't take rejection too seriously (life is for learning).....but take note of what could have been the turn-off.....and modify your behavior so as not to put the next girl off in the same manner! Don't pretend to be something you aren't.....and don't go on and on about yourself with nary a space for her to get a word in egdewise! On the other (eventually) talk of your qualities and try and find out common interests. Music is a great way to do this! Ask about her likes and dislikes! And from there....a conversation spawns!

Best of luck hun! You'll be'll see!
Minds are like parachutes. They only work when they are open.

~Thomas Dewar~
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