Thread: Advice?
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Old 11-12-2003, 09:07 PM
mcjim623 mcjim623 is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Florida
Posts: 147
First, remember this too, that where you meet people can say something about them.

If you are not into the bar scene, and you try to meet people at a bar, then likely, they are into the bar scene, and you may not have common interests.

If you are trying to meet someone, do the things you like. If you are into sports, go to sporting events, and say hi to the people there. Someone will respond, and then you have a conversation.

If you like to dance, go dancing. If you don't like to dance, don't try it hoping you will meet someone, because later on, they will want to go dancing, and you won't---problems. You will also likely not appear comfortable, and most people don't want to converse with strange uptight uncomfortable people.

If you like to read, go to a bookstore, etc. Do what you like, and talk with the people there. You will find common interests, and can go from there.

Second, talk with both sexes. If you are male, talk to both males and females. You may wind up dating someone you talk to, or, you may find that the other guy has a female friend, etc, and you can never have enough friends, male or female.

Third, if you see someone interesting, walk up and ask them,

" Hi, my name is _________. " Then lick your eyebrows. (j/k)

90 % of the time, they will respond. Don't put pressure on yourself, because it always translates, and you wind up going backward 2 steps for every step forward you take.

Good Luck,

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