Thread: The Meatrix
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Old 11-14-2003, 03:57 PM
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Originally posted by Steph
I have to respectfully disagree with the "plants are alive" argument . . . as a vegetarian, I get this one a lot and I'm not sure why.

For plants to feel physical pain, they must have some sort of organized tissue which, upon stimulation, would activate a structure in the plant that is conscious and could perceive the stimulation as painful. There are no structures within plants that are analogous to the pain receptors, neurons, and pain-perceiving portions of the brains of vertebrate animals. Animals, being mobile, benefit from their ability to sense pain; but plants simply have no biological or evolutionary need for the experience of pain.

*off the soapbox*

I totally understand what you are saying Steph......cause, makes perfect sense. But........I saw this study once (on The Discovery Channel or something like that) where scientist's tested the theory that all living things sense pain and have feelings. I'm not saying this is the study, they placed two plants in the same room with the same light and same food and water amounts for X amount of time. They played music for them and with certain types of music, the plants thrived....with other types (say...heavy an example) they stopped showing growth and even bent away from the source.

To further the investigation.....after about 3 months or so (guessing at that one.....but it's close) they removed one of the plants to another room.....but it was in the same building. To test an off the wall theory, the scientists started starving the plant that was water, no food, dim lighting...the whole thing. And to take it one step further they hooked up sensors to the first plant to record any change in heat, vibrations.....anything. Slight changes were recorded as time went on. Sorta like a mood swing. And to take this even one step further......they started breaking leaves off the moved plant....breaking them in half instead of at the base.....and significant changes were recorded (at the precise times as the leaves were snapped) by the unmoved if in sympathy for the moved and mistreated plant. At least this was the theory (though, no sensors were placed on the tortured plant....which would have made more sense)....and they tested it over and over in ways we, as humans with feelings for pain and sorrow, might construe as mean and hurtful.

I just wanted to let you know Steph....that what you say is logical....but what I saw (though it can be interpreted in any way the beholder sees fit) plant feeling sorrow and whincing when "his friend" was hurting. This might be one of those things where....seeing is understanding.....but I hope I explained why I said what I said.

I go fishing.....but I would never hunt (game). Does that make any sense? NOPE! I know! There are some who swear that fish can't feel that hook in their mouth....(or wherever it might get hooked)......but I'm not one of um. I know in my heart they can feel the stabbing pain! When we pull up bait and let the minnows sit on the floor of the boat as we move to another spot......I soak the air gasping minnows in the bait bucket till we get where we're going.....and then......I'm the first one with my line in the water! I'm a walking, talking, oxymoron I tell ya! LMFAO! I'll tear a hook through an eels mouth and send him sailing into the water.......but I won't put a minnow on my own hook.......but......I'll reel in that striper when he is fighting for his life................I think I'm nuts! LMFAO again!

*jumps down and passes the soapbox to the left*
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