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Old 11-20-2003, 09:31 AM
jseal jseal is offline
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Whoah! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!

I was in NO way trashing you! I can see how you read that into my post, but that was a BIG mistake on my part. You reported it. You did good.

I remain VERY unconvinced about the lawyer. I see the good lawyer as having a MAJOR conflict of interest here. His motivations are therefore, in my mind, highly suspect.

But to refer back to the "Press Release" for a moment: to accuse a slingshot of being capable of "forcefully firing the balls with which it is sold and has the potential to cause serious eye injuries", is not unlike accusing automobiles of moving. And automobiles injure and kill more people each year than the totals reference in the article – and THEY (the automobiles) are under the control of adults!

I did a quick compare, and at least 124 words of the 578 in the story are rebuttals and responses to the accusations made by the lawyer and his group. No doubt the 4th Estate mouthpieces will claim that they are attempting to provide "balanced reporting".

I guess I shouldn’t be so down on Mr. Swartz - hell, everyone has to earn a living, but CNN and the other "News" organizations that publish this type of pseudo-news, should have enough journalistic integrity to read the hand outs before broadcasting them.
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