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Old 12-05-2003, 02:45 AM
Virgin Teen Virgin Teen is offline
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 74
Hope I'm still okay to reply to this post...

1) How often do you masturbate?
Whenever I can find the time.

2) What do you use to masturbate?
My fingers and sometimes a long, thick handle of a hairbrush.

3) Your prefered porn to masturbate to is:
I love reading the stories here. I like lesbian porn quite a lot. I especially like cyber and phone sex though.

4) Have you ever masturbated in a group?
No, not yet.

5) Have you ever video taped (or PC cam) yourself masturbating?
Never video taped, but I recorded some footage with my digital cam to show my ex boyfriend (yeah, he was my ex when I showed him).

6) Do you watch yourself masturbate?
Yeah, I like to watch myself in a mirror sometimes.

7) Do you always orgasm when you masturbate?
Always. I like to have 3 orgasms and then I'm satisfied.

8) Can you/do you enjoy masturbation more than sex? Or differently than sex?
I'm still a virgin. I'm looking forward to sex though one day.

9) When is the last time you masturbated before reading this post?
Yesterday. I had a hour to myself.

10) Where is the strangest/most exciting place you've masturbated?
Doesn't apply. I'm too caught in the moment to care if it's a strange or exciting place anyway.

11) Do you ever masturbate anally?
Yes. That's when I use the hairbrush handle... I like it deep.

12) Do you feel masturbation, whether to porn or not, is healthy?
Sure, relieves sexual tension. Better out than in as they say.

13) Have you ever been 'caught' masturbating when you weren't ready for it?
No, I'm careful. Close to being caught though...

14) Does it turn you on to watch someone else masturbate? Guy or girl?
I've only seen that on the internet... Both can be hot. I think I prefer watching girls though...

15) What is the most interesting/unique/coolest/strangest way(s) you've found to masturbate that you enjoy?
I like to rub my panties against my clit and pussy. Sometimes I'm wearing the panties, sometimes I take them off to do it. Either way, I love doing it.
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