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Old 02-25-2002, 10:37 PM
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Oral Freak
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 447
Sadly, there aren't a lot of ice cream choices available for lactose-intolerant diabetics. I can get sugar-free ice cream or lactose-free ice cream (neither of which is really worth eating anyway --- I speak from experience), but there's nothing sugar- and lactose-free on the market yet that I know of! I used to be such an ice cream fan, too...

Back in the day when I could eat the stuff, I always figured the best ice cream on earth was my aunt's homemade maple syrup ice cream, made with my father's maple syrup and my uncle's fresh eggs and cream... Heavenly stuff, that. Her mango ice cream was divine as well, served with ripe strawberries from my grandmother's garden...

As for store-bought ice cream, it was a three-way tie for me: mint-chocolate-chip, cookies and cream, and butterscotch praline. Right now I'd even settle for plain ole' vanilla soft-serve if I could eat it --- I'm having withdrawal symptoms just thinking about it...

--- sweetstuff
"You can't test courage cautiously." --- Annie Dillard
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