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Old 12-09-2003, 08:55 AM
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omen omen is offline
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Posts: 35
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1) I prefer to have an experienced, older woman. I like to learn.

2) What's nicer? DO i feel more fullfilled in a realtionship: yes. I have not had no strings attached sex for three years, it would take getting used to.

3) I like to give, but I have learned to recieve. Its a balance, and for a person to feel sexy, they need to feel confident giving as well as reciveing. I have learned to sound sexy while i recieve, which is another form of giving.

4) I dont think its cheating.

5) Yes, if she is turned on by it.

6) Is the guy looking to be intimate with me? It is not a turn on for me, so no. At least, not yet. She should allow me to bring in the guy, just as she brought in the girl. But, it depends how drunk i am.

7) I would have sex with any older woman who could still turn me on. So, 5o, maybe even sixty. Youngest, same thing. If they can turn me on I'm all for it. But i think most 16 year old grls look too young and act too young for me to feel good about it.

8) Stomach. Mid-drift is the most sexy part of a woman to me. She doesnt have to be skinny, just firm. But I have seen alot of women pull off less than firm mid-drifts. I like athletic women.

9) either.

10) eat my ass out?
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