Thread: Pas de Deux
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Old 12-13-2003, 01:15 PM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 617
Elinor knew that the reality of Joyce's death would finally sink in once her brother was completely on his own. Of course he'd be in touch with his daughter Beth, and she was never further away than a phone call or an email -- neither of which were things that James was overfond of doing. It had always been her sister in law that initiated contacts on his behalf. She sighed and took a sip of water before answering.

"I can probably manage a few more days, James. I'd like to stay longer, but it's time for the store's quarterlies and the auditors are due in next week. I'd postpone, but... " Elinor shrugged. James knew all too well that the IRS didn't like waiting for what they thought was due them -- even if it wasn't.

"Uh huh."

"Listen. Why don't you come back with me? You've never seen my store and Jake would be more than happy to have another man around the house. And so would I."

"Well... "

She knew her brother would decline, and rather than pressure him, Elinor decided to change the subject to one that was near and dear to her heart. "Look. No need for decisions right now, James. Hurry up and finish your dinner. What I wouldn't do for a hot fudge sundae."

James looked up at his sister and grinned. "Puff's?"

"Gods! Is that place still open?"


Talk about old home week. Elinor was overcome by yet another wave of nostalgia. Puff's was a drive-in ice cream joint where they'd all hung out as teens. It was the place to be. She never imagined it would still be open after so many years. "Do they still dance in the parking lot?"
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