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Old 01-12-2004, 06:35 PM
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ericthered ericthered is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: North Queensland
Posts: 420
Try the Lazy Sunday Morning position?

Technical directions - lie on your back, right knee raised. He is lying on his left side at right angles to you. He is holding your left thigh between his thighs, and your right leg is lying over his waist. (Substitute the lefts and rights if you like).

This position has tremendous advantages. He can really burrow into you to the limit (lift your right leg up to help him get real close). You can both reach the important bits with your hands (so you could guide him if you want to). Your clit is available for extra fun from either or both of you. And (my favourite) if he stops still with the head of his cock just inside you, you can reach into your pussy and run your fingers around the head of it - absolutely delicious!

Mmmh - sorry - got to rush off......
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