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Old 01-21-2004, 06:35 PM
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MistaKissa MistaKissa is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: North West of England
Posts: 200
1) How often do you masturbate?
1-2 per day
2) What do you use to masturbate?
3) Your prefered porn to masturbate to is: (answer here)
Pixies, erotic stories, my imagination.....
4) Have you ever masturbated in a group?
5) Have you ever video taped (or PC cam) yourself masturbating?
6) Do you watch yourself masturbate? (based on another thread I saw that I actually liked... I get-off hard watching myself masturbate in all ways in front of a mirror!)
7) Do you always orgasm when you masturbate?
8) Can you/do you enjoy masturbation more than sex? Or differently than sex?
Differently, nothing beats the feeling of sliding into a woman or her running her mouth up and down your cock.
9) When is the last time you masturbated before reading this post?
About 7.45 - olive-eyes last post.....
10) Where is the strangest/most exciting place you've masturbated?
Layby on the A66 with lorries wizzing by....
11) Do you ever masturbate anally? (I love anal, so yeah... I do! So does Sharniqua, from another post I saw she is a hot one! )
Tried but don't like.
12) Do you feel masturbation, whether to porn or not, is healthy?
13) Have you ever been 'caught' masturbating when you weren't ready for it?
Yes, but of that watch the stories pages
14) Does it turn you on to watch someone else masturbate? Guy or girl?
Girl yes, Guy yet to find out;~)
...and finally...
15) What is the most interesting/unique/coolest/strangest way(s) you've found to masturbate that you enjoy?
Honestly - in stockings and panties, does that make me a cross dresses or just a perv!!! Not that I care.

How cathartic was that......LOL x
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