Thread: The Void
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Old 01-28-2004, 05:57 PM
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Chloe Chloe is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: curled up in his lap.
Posts: 99
Father and daughter

It seemed so natural to be watched by her Dad as she pleasured herself. When she realised he’d seen her frigging it excited her all over again. Seeing the effect she’d had on him, his rampant cock, added to her arousal.

She willingly took his cock as deep as she could in her throat – even though she gagged and her eyes streamed. She loved the feel of him in her, his hands guiding her head, gentle pressure urging her on.

When he withdrew she was disappointed but the next idea Frank had dispelled that. She sat on his lap, her back to him. His cock nudged deeper, pressing up inside her. When he started to rock the sensations in her were incredible.

She did what she usually did to pleasure herself but now she had Frank’s big cock in her too. Her shuddering climax, almost simultaneous with his, left her breathless. She was still recovering when Frank said.

“Roxie. You could do your first two years of college in town……or maybe on line. That way you could stay at home. I……could watch you a lot more too.”

He smiled and kissed her sweaty neck, the hair clinging in tendrils. The idea of losing her so soon after discovering this new love was unbearable. “What do you say?”

“I’ll look into it Dad. It’s a good idea. I could get a part-time job, save some money. That way my last few years should be easier financially.”

Frank smiled to himself at her serious practicality so he was startled when she lifted off him and sat beside him on the swing. “Dad, that dream I had, that nightmare….”

“Yes, baby?”

“It was about you and Mom.” Frank straightened up, clearing his throat. He had pushed all thoughts of his wife to the back of his mind. “What’ll we tell her? She’s going to know something’s going on.”

“I doubt it Roxie. She’s so wound up in her work she sees little else. I’ve lived with it all your life – I know.” Frank put his arm around Roxanne, pulling her to him and tucking the blanket around them both. “We haven’t lived as “man and wife”, so to speak, for years.”

“I’m worried she’ll find out Dad.” She sat forward, gazing earnestly into his face.

“Are you saying we should stop in case she notices?” Said Frank, stroking some stray hair from her eyes.

“No, no, but it would hurt her, don’t you think?”

“Listen Rox, you’re a big girl now so I can be honest with you. She’s a bitch of the first order and the only reason I put up with The Ice Queen was for you. I knew – if we separated - she’d be given custody, that I could lose you.”

His daughter sat back on the swing, silent for a few minutes.
“Are you going to divorce her?” She asked quietly.

“ I think it would be for the best. You’re old enough to make your own way in life. I’m happiest when she’s off on the road –and it’s just you and I. I was, even before- well, before all ….this.” He was rubbing her shoulders and could feel the tension setting in.

“I’m so sorry you’ve been unhappy, Dad.” She whispered. “I should have noticed.”

“Sshh!. We’ve got each other now, right?” He grinned and hugged her, kissing her ear. She turned her face and kissed his lips, opening her mouth to accept his thrusting tongue.

As they separated she said. “Tomorrow I’ll look into courses, either in town or on line.” And kissed him lightly.

Frank’s heart sang. His life was starting again
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