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Old 02-02-2004, 06:52 PM
Belial Belial is offline
I make sexytime with you
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Australia
Posts: 1,616
Can't view the movie, though I did see the footage on the news last night.

(begin rant)

If you're a web designer, please do not require the viewing of your multimedia content through an active content-based (ie: Java, Flash, ActiveX, etc) viewer. It doesn't stop your content being "stolen" by anyone for whom it'd be worth "stealing", it only makes you a royal pain in the ass. And if you are still going to do it, at least tell your users what plugin they're going to need instead of assuming they have it.

(end rant)
I want to know everything
I want to be everywhere
I want to fuck everyone in the world
I want to do something that matters
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