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Old 03-04-2004, 04:23 PM
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My 2 cents worth

Wow, I never realized that there were so many people at pixies that were soooooo far out in the left wing.

Folks, this really is a no-brainer....

a) Marriage is by definition the union between a man and a woman. If we are going to allow gay couples to change the meaning of the word marriage, I want the meaning of children changed to include pets, so I can claim them on my taxes.

b) Discrimination is illegal, and unjust. Therefore, as proposed a civil union will hold the same legal weight as marriage. It will provide for and force your employer to give your benefits to your significant other, and also provide legislation for divorce, to include division of properties, and alimony.

c) How in the world did this issue become a Bush bashing. He stated his opinion, which I agree with. I might point out that an overwhelming percentage of Americans feel the same way.

d) It appears to me that the root of this issue is not when or how gay couples will get equal treatment regarding significant others, but an election year issue to get people stirred up in hopes of taking some of the votes away from Bush. Each American should drop to their knees and thank whomever they believe in, for George Bush being our President at this time in history. If many of those far left wingers had their way, Gore would be the Pres, and we would have a president more interested in tree hugging, bowing to foreign nations, and one world government, than keeping the sorry assed liberals safe to do all the bitching they want.

e) It seems to me that the true fight should be to gain equal rights under the law, regardless of what the lawmakers choose to call it. The resources, and efforts of thousands of gay rights activists should be redirected away from the marriage issue, and focused on the equal rights issue.

F) Aqua, I’m not sure which America you live in, but here in the good ole USA, the major media outlets, TV, Radio, and Newspapers are almost all extremely liberal. Next, according to leading economists across the country, the economy and unemployment is on a 7 year effect cycle. That means that what happened 7 years ago has the greatest impact on the current status of economics and unemployment. Next, No WMD have been found… ha ha… Because of liberalism, Bush was forced to wait 2 years before actually getting to look for them, all the time we were telling Sadam we were coming looking for them. Now in my humble opinion, he could have really hidden them well in 2 years. But the liberals always seem for forget that point.
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