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Old 03-26-2002, 11:53 PM
Posts: n/a
My first post - please don't judge too harshly

Another day came and went. Cassandra lay in a heap next to the pipes in the basement, her wrists ached from lack of blood flow as she pulled against her bonds, but she felt light headed and dizzy from malnourishment and soon all faded to darkness as her consciousness floated away.

When she awoke, a plate of food lay next to her with a glass of orange juice. Needing no invitation, she hastily devoured the contents of the plate and drained the glass dry. Disappointed now at the abscence of food she lay back against the pipes and started to daydream. The opening and closing of the basement door pulled her back to reality and she watched as Bob approached her from the other side of the basement.
"Now you little bitch" he hissed, "I have told your mother you have been staying at a friend's house these past two days, I also told her you would be home tomorrow morning" he paused, crouched, and laid one arm across his knee, "Now you have two choices, you can either come back upstairs tonight after your mother has gone to sleep and never speak of this affair again, or I can leave you down here to take you as I want you for the rest of your life for however long that is"
"Please..." Cassandra croaked, "I'll do anything you want..." tears glistened in her eyes, "Just do something for me... I haven't orgasmed in days... it's been torture... could you..."
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