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Old 04-20-2002, 12:13 AM
Posts: n/a
"Now put your arms straight across on your sides," she told me. Of course I obeyed. Then she put her hands over my upper arms (like biceps and triceps) and leaned harder into my bulge with her right leg. She leaned hard against my arms, pinning me down. She began to rub her right leg firmly up and down against my bulge, from her knee all the way down to the top of her right shoe and back to her knee, over and over and over. "I, ummm...." I attempted to speak, still staring into her eyes. "No talking unless I tell you to, you may make only noises," she placed a restriction on me. Up and down, up and down, she rubbed, knee to shoe, knee to shoe pressed hard on my bulge. I could feel the pleasure building, so much more intense staring into her powerful brown eyes. She had total control over me, in every way.
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