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Old 08-02-2004, 02:40 AM
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Loulabelle Loulabelle is offline
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All very valid points again, but, again, I have to say that the argument swings both ways.

If Belial's humour is such an insignificant part of him as a whole, can't these people overlook it?

I work in a very lively office where there is a huge amount of banter, sexual innuendo and A LOT of swearing. One of my colleagues in particular cannot go through a day without saying the word 'cunt' at least three times, accusing other male colleagues of being gay just because it winds them up and taking the piss out of just about every race on the planet. He also makes sexist jokes and teases just about everyone mercilessly.

I also work with a middle aged black female Jehovah's Witness, who chooses to live her life without doing any of the above things, presumably because she feels they are wrong and that they would be offensive. However, she thinks the world of our vulgar colleague since he's genuinely a very kind, polite person and not a thing that comes out of his mouth is meant to be taken seriously. Just the other day she said to him, 'You're a very poite man, aren't you Dave?' as he has a good telephone manner and is very good at putting people at their ease.

My point is that consideration and toleration does have to go both ways, and if it can work in the extreme example I have given here, then I don't see why other less extreme personalities can't get along just's all about live and let live.
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