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Old 08-04-2004, 07:29 AM
sweetlady sweetlady is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 117
You can not worry about it by accepting two things. 1. You've done what you can, and spoken to her about it, and she rejects your attempts to create peace. 2. She is unpredictable, over-sensitive, and unreasonable.

You do have a responsibility. You have covered it. You can do that much, and no more. It's unfortunate that SHE HAS DECIDED that your private conversations and reassurances are not good enough.

I once told a friend who was breaking up with his psychotic ex... "You can only be as kind to her as she allows you to be." Meaning, at some point, the responsibility leaves you, and arrives at their doorstep. If you've spoken to her, and sought hard to reassure her, then you can do no more because you've laid the responsibility square at her feet and she has chosen to ignore it.
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