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Old 08-07-2004, 11:21 PM
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Loulabelle Loulabelle is offline
Mrs FussyPucker
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: England
Posts: 3,635
When Fussy and I first got together, he would often find it difficult to achieve orgasm (partly because of the medication he was on - not sure if that might apply to you?) but we didn't let it bother us on the times it didn't happen....we just enjoyed the pleasure we were able to give each other and in time, I learned which of his buttons to press to send him over the edge (mainly psychological things, I might add....what things to say, what positions to move into and how to use the tone of my voice etc).

In our case, while it was sometimes difficult to get him to cum through intercourse, it was impossible for me to relieve him by hand or mouth, and it was only after about a year that I succesfully managed to make him cum with just my hand (although I think the porn and the dirty talk helped a little too). I have still not managed to make him cum with my mouth, but that does mean that we have fun with prolonged oral sex sessions, before moving on to more, er, fruitful sexual activities.

A quick question for you: have you masturbated and cum with her in the room with you? If not, that would probably be the first thing you should aim for. Sometimes men get nervous about letting go that first time in front of a's a kind of performance anxiety. It's also a good way for her to learn how you touch yourself so that she might emulate your hand movements when she's pleasuring you. I know I never would have been able to make FussyPucker cum if I hadn't watched him do it himself. Plus it's such fun to add a little voyeuristic/exhibitionistic kink to your sex life.
"Time flies like an arrow -
Fruit flies like a banana"

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