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Old 08-28-2001, 09:07 PM
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classydj classydj is offline
Studley Do U Right
Join Date: May 2001
Location: calgary alberta canada
Posts: 96
Cool Hope U Dont Mind

I'm a guy but i wanna answer the reverse of your question. If i woke up and was a woman I'd definetly give myself a good long stare in the mirror [nude of course]. Then I'd touch and experimentr with myself. Hell what better way to learn how to pleasure a girl than by being one and seeing what works . Then I'd try to get it on with another girl, hell in my mind I'd still be a man and I dont like fucking other men, but I'd try it with a strapon so I could know how a cock going into a pussy feels from the womans point of view. Lastly I think that I'd see life more as it is. Without all the raging sex hormones I'd finally be able to concentrate on something else :P.

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