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Old 05-03-2002, 12:55 PM
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Post strange dictionary

gay slang for angel:
1.male who pays for sexual services. the guy that pays a prostitute.Syn: john
2. [rarely used by the '60s] older man who shows affection for his younger male lover with gifts.
3[rarely used by the '60s]older man who supports a younger lover or friend. Synonyms papa gateau; Santa Claus; suger daddy

1. adj. (16th century England theatrical) young men or boy wearing the costume of a women in a play. [send in the Gay.]
2. noun. (16th century) homosexual man.
3. adj. happy excitement, merry.
4. adj. lively or bright.
5. verb. [USA 1990s] to be inadequate or displeasing; TO SUCK. ("That movie was fucking gay.")
i did'nt know about the first definition

CAULIFLOWER A Cabbage with a college education.
CEMETERY The one place where princes and paupers, porters and presidents
are finally on the dead level.
CYNIC A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.
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