Thread: Newlyweds
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Old 09-02-2001, 05:19 AM
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Wink Intimacy

Hold hands in public, sit next to him if you sit in a booth in a
restaurant, snuggle, hug and kiss each other often, just enjoy being together.

If you try to build intimacy in your daily life, sex will be a natural
expression of that intimacy.

Sex is the result of love and intimacy,
not the cause of it.

I guess what trying to say here is enjoy each other, enjoy being
in love and the rest will follow.

Oh, one more very important thing:
Say "I love you often" AND DO LITTLE THINGS TO SHOW IT.

I used to leave little love notes on his pillow..........
hmmmmmmmm , It's been a while since I did that, time to
start it up again.

When I went away for the summer 5-6 weeks, I 'd find a little
gift on my pillow when I returned. His way of letting me know
he missed me.............

You can tell me to shup up any time now..............

Anyway, hope this helps !!!!!!!! New love is such a rush, so
enjoy it and each other
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