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Old 10-18-2004, 04:49 PM
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LixyChick LixyChick is offline
Everybody Stretch!
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Pa. USA
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There was a time...when I was quite young (don't ask how young...just suffice it to say I was yoooooooooung) when I found out that some women actually take a penis into their mouth!!! My best g/f and I pinky swore (we may have even pricked our fingers and drew blood and swore on that) that we would NEVER EVER take a penis into our mouths!

I was just a pinch more advanced than her after a while (bearing in mind, she and her cousin were the ones who gave me "the sex talk"...actually it was more like a lesson with lots of giggles...but I digress). OK...I caved first cause I have always been curious of things I don't know or understand! Now...what the hell was all the hub-bub and pinky swearing shit all about???? ROFLMFAO!

I'm with everyone else with the poop thing too! And...dead people scare me to the point of wetting my pants...and not in the good way either! I'm sure there's stuff I've never heard if something crops up and I refuse it...I'll know where to talk about it!
Minds are like parachutes. They only work when they are open.

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