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Old 12-21-2004, 06:09 AM
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lizzardbits lizzardbits is offline
Awesome on my Own
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Schoolhouse Rocks!
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damn, that just pisses me off! I HATE closemindedness, and that @$$hole has a mind like fort knox! I just cannot wrap my mind around those bans. Just unfathomable to me. It is people like that that hold back the progress of human rights.

I can not stand the fact that my ex-girlfriend and her wife cannot have their marriage be recognized as a true and legal, in the state that they live in and are discriminated left and right. I can not stand that anyone is discriminated against, for what ever reason. Underneath our skins, we are all basically the same. We all breathe, eat, live and have emotions.

As a future educator, I have vowed that i will try and teach my students that discrimination in any form is wrong, wrong, WRONG! The way aound it is education, whether it is in books, or by word of mouth. Don't hate some one because they are different from you, or their beliefs are different, or they have a different sexual orienation from you; learn about the differences, you don't have to agree with them, but you will understand them better, and you'll be a better person for it!

My ire is irked about this, but i'll have someone else have their say, and they maybe able to teach me something. off of my soapbox......Lizz >
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