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Old 01-12-2005, 05:45 PM
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LixyChick LixyChick is offline
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It's really not a bad suggestion JSG...and I can make a suggestion for further exploration on the matter, if you don't mind.

May I suggest PM'ing one of the mods (Lilith, Sharni, fzzy or dicksbro) and asking if this matter has ever been considered before and if it might be something worth delving into further. The site is already pretty full and it might lack space for such a forum...and so it might be a moot point. Or, it may have been tried way before our time and found not to fly so well. Or, it might not ever been thought of. There is also a "Sticky" thread on the General Chat forum called "Ask the Mods", and maybe you could ask there as well.

Whatever happens, I just don't think it was a bad suggestion and if I could make videos (which I can'!), I'd probably participate.

Please don't be upset by previous responses. To each his own and participation would surely be no one need take offense at this suggestion!
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