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Old 06-09-2002, 04:26 AM
dice45 dice45 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Bavaria, Germany
Posts: 30
legend and all,
Originally posted by legend
Yes, please let us know! I promise I'll sing Henry The Eight over and over until they give their word that they'll stop.

(newbie allowed to raise his voice? ) wont work, unfortunately you cannot strap the wrongdoers into a Vogonian poetry appreciation chair and then read Vogon poetry to him, does not work online. Excluding the person does not help either, he/she comes back under another moniker and, worse, may attract fellow minds. And you have the mess multiplied.

But what works online: public flogging (hating to say it, but it must be public!!)
if the wrongdoer enters the ethically yellow or red area, he/she can be grabbed by the throat and told bluntly and in extended detail that his/her behaviour is not appreciated at all and why.

Without being agressive to his/her person at all, attack the facts and the behaviour mercilessly! And if other members come and join you, even better.

Been there, done that. Works. Even on covertly hostile or schoolyard bully minds. They do not give their word, BTW, but they start to behave properly.

you forum is wonderful; i find me sitting round-eyed and open-mouthed and unable to believe it. Mostly concerning social interaction (yes, admitted, finding out about most-off-road ways to play together, too ). Like a big, intact family.

Considering the mere size and knowing other forums and their style, it is a wonder to me that so few flamers and other wrongdoers are around. Compliment to the moderators and leading minds!

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