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Old 01-30-2005, 06:29 PM
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maddy maddy is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: South of the Mason Dixon
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Aside from all the above advice, if you are truly concerned about this virgin and her "block" to wanting to have sex. Build a trusting relationship with her and try to understand {listen to her} why she has the preconceived notions and excuses to not having sex. Once you can understand what is holding her back from having sex and she has built enough trust in you and the relationship to share those things with you -- then AND only then will you be able to help her emotionally work through each of her "blocks".

Not that it really matters, but coming from a virgin {me} if she has waited this long, she isn't looking for a date and a fuck. Not all women are programmed the same and that's the beauty of being a human, there isn't a magic formula to unlock each of our legs and make us beg for your precious cock to slam into us and make us cum.

I've seen it said in several of your threads that the mind is a sexy and wonderful thing. The sooner you realize that women are more than a piece of fuck flesh the better off you will be in understanding the key that will unlock her legs. At that same time you might even find that relationships are more than sex.
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