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Old 06-13-2002, 03:20 AM
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bucksman bucksman is offline
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Buckinghamshire, UK
Posts: 53
OK I admit it - I have enjoyed cyber in the past and never considered it cheating - more an alternate to masturbation. These have all been chance meetings and I have never sought to develop them into anything more.

I would agree that if you are in a stable real-life relationship and also indulge in cyber, you are cheating on your partner. Effectively you are saying that your real-life relationship is not sufficiently fulfilling and that you crave something else or more. Sure, as said above, it is the lesser of a number of evils but it is probably an indication that you need to discuss your sexual needs openly with your current partner to see if you can get what you need within a loving relationship.
An Ordinary Englishman
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