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Old 02-23-2005, 07:15 AM
sweetlady sweetlady is offline
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Posts: 117
Originally Posted by Mark Vieth
You 2 aren't getting into a cat fight over little old me are you? lol

First off, there is a history here you don't know about, so putting your foot into it isn't wise at all.

Second off, if you want help, I suggest you attempt to treat people with some respect.

I came into this thread and, despite seeing you gleefully rub any number of people the wrong way, I chose to offer you advice in a sincere and serious manner. Your comment isn't funny. Nor is it cute. It's not appreciated, or appropriate. Perhaps you should start at working on curbing your tongue before you work on anything else, because all you have done in this entire thread is alienate everyone who has offered you sincere advice with it.

If you want people to take you seriously and be respectful towards you, then I strongly suggest that you learn to keep your mouth shut until you know people. If you had bothered to take the time to do that, you'd realize how extremely inappropriate your statement was. Sarcasm and humor at the expense of others is to be used sparingly and with a great deal of humility and WISDOM, or it simply makes you look bratty, childish, churlish, and rude.

I chose to give you the benefit of the doubt, mostly on Sharni's words. So let me help you out a little bit. For her sake, as someone who vouched for you, maybe you should tone it down and show some RESPECT towards those attempting to help you.

Respect does not include making crass jokes towards and/or about women you don't know. Not all of us appreciate your brand of humor, and personally, I found you rather oblivious and obtuse before, now I simply find you rude and annoying. Even after I read through the thread and saw how abrasive you are, I still tried hard to give it an honest and sincere try.]

And if you want to, you can get defensive and lash out at me. Before you do, keep in mind that YOU chose to be disrespectful. The comments like this that you make are what cause people to think you're an ass and that you don't respect women. Because your comments and behavior say you do not.

"Don't have a catfight over little old me" is locker room talk. It's never appropriate when said to two women you don't know. EVER. It is furthermore extremely, EXTREMELY disrespectful to say it to your elders when they are having nothing more than a simple, respectful disagreement on point of view. It makes you look like an ill-mannered clod.

If you wonder why no one appears to appreciate your humor, it's not because no one appreciates your humor as it is. It's because you misuse it. No stranger wants to hear jokes at their expense. I am not your friend, I am not your buddy, and if you continue to alienate me with rudeness, with snide comments, and with disrespect, then I never will be. It is your choice to make.

Lastly, learn when things are serious. If you make jokes like that in the middle of serious, important discussions, your girlfriend will never ever take YOU serious when you say that you respect her. No woman will EVER believe you respect her when you blurt out inappropriate, sarcastic jokes in the middle of serious conversations. In fact, most men will quickly tire of that behavior as well.

In a nutshell:

Don't make jokes with people until you know them. NEVER make jokes at people's expense until you know them very well. If you do, you set yourself up to be disliked. It is rude, it is disrespectful, and it is your own fault when people turn a cold shoulder on you afterwards. Learn to curb your tongue, or live with the consequences.

If you want people to believe your constant cries of "I do too respect women!" then quit making crass, rude, stupid jokes about women, particularly ones you don't know. This is a mixed forum, not the locker room, knock it off.
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