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Old 03-27-2005, 10:11 AM
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boilergirl1 boilergirl1 is offline
Rollercoasters ROCK!!!!!!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: northern washington for a 'minute'
Posts: 1,006
slowly he kissed me and that urgency was now pressed tightly against my abdomen clearly unwilling to be denied one moment longer .His hand were roaming and carressing every curve of my body i opened my eyes and looked into contraides barely cognizant of my surroundings. He paused and our lips parted , for a moment i was confused but the look of pure adoration reflected in his eyes was reassuring and i glanced over his shoulder at the woman who was also without her clothing who had acted as the catalyst for this . I spoke not a word and beckoned her with only my deep blue eyes wantonly letting them visually carress evry shapely curve and turn of her lovely body. It was so risque and i was loving every moment of it. I reluctantly opened my mouth to ask her what her name was but the poet had started again and i wound up with just the open mouth as i took in the words he was saying and matched that up with what my eyes were showing me which was that he had also disrobed and was not only reciting poetry but stroking his cock in a most lasivious manner not looking a bit out of place while ogling us in our own nakedness nor by being on a stage reciting poetry naked. In the meantime my hands had found contraides hard cock and i was gently trailing a fingernail the length of it's hardness thrilling at the way it responded almost as if it was independantly getting harder on it's own. Now I know that's impossible but that's what i felt at the time and I see no reason now to change that as it may well have been acting independantly. Oh my my mind is really getting out of hand fantasy wise tonite i think to myself my mouth opens and this time i get the question out. " Please, what is your name sweet lady?" Extending my arm out to her at the same time, we clasp hands our fingers intertwining instintively.
~There is nothing you can do, that can't be done~


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