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Old 04-01-2005, 09:16 PM
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maddy maddy is offline
~getting by~
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: South of the Mason Dixon
Posts: 3,937
Okay, I'll attempt to re-type what I wrote yesterday.

I once grew my hair because it seemed all the pretty, popular girls were doing it. I have ultrafine and limp hair... it was just long and lifeless and ended up most days in a scrunchee. When I started my professional life, one day on a whim I walked into a salon and said do whatever you want. I'm not happy and it can only grow back if I don't like what you do. I went from hair well beyond my shoulder blades to hair that didn't hit a collar... it was no longer than 3 inches anywhere on my head. That was 7 years ago and I haven't looked back.

For me it's just hair, and if I must have it (can't imagine not having a little) I want it to be as carefree as possible. And of course I've got some vanity about me, and I want it to look good on me!

I echo what so many have said before me... even where opinions seem to conflict... all you can do is what feels right... sometimes the change in hair is just what you need to give your spirit a boost... and donating it can only help to the good feelings... and if you miss the long locks, I promise hair just keeps on growing.
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