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Old 04-09-2005, 04:06 PM
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cherrypie7788 cherrypie7788 is offline
Mama Mia!
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: South Louisiana
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Thank you all! I guess the reason I was hesitant was because I DON'T want to get hurt again. I am very attracted to him LOL
I've decided to throw sensibility out for a while, where has being sensible ever gotten me? lol

I just got back from my fishing adventure

I didn't screw up TOO badly, at least I don't think. I got a second date, so I must have done okay

He picked me up early this morning and we went to the lake. On the way there, I told him that I didn't really know how to fish, and he told me he'd show me how. I was still nervous. He even let me pick whether he bought worms or crickets as bait, of course I picked worms.. Crickets, ewww!!

He showed me how to bait my hook and all that, I managed not to hook him by the seat of his pants (or worse) LOL

We didn't have a lot of luck, which is probably a good thing because I cant say for sure if I would have touched the fish if I'd have caught one LOL so we left the lake and went back home.

We ended up just hanging out for a while, talking about everything. He seems so perfect, he even ASKED if he could kiss me goodbye before he did What a gentleman.

We agreed on dinner tomorrow, and from there I guess I'll decide if I want to see him again, it looks promising!

I'm sunburned to a crisp on my arms and legs and face, but I'm so happy, I cant believe I almost stopped myself from going last night!

It's a BOY!!
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