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Old 07-22-2002, 11:43 AM
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jjjjbo jjjjbo is offline
the Lusty Wench
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: sunny california
Posts: 1,113
My hand moves onto your thigh, my fingertips press inward, I feel the fabric of your dress pants shift slightly against my hand. I rub you lightly there barely moving my hand, but I know you are very aware of every shift my hand makes. I look up into flashing green eyes, and smile, trying to convey my message to you with my eyes … I’m not sure I’m bold enough to ever speak the words, and beside that, I want you to discover it for yourself …. Your eyebrow raises, you can see there is something, but can’t quite interpret the exact meaning of my message. I’ve told you a lot of things with my eyes over the time we’ve been spending together, but this is a new message …. Definitely sexual, but …. Your thoughts are interrupted by the waiter, asking for our order, you tell him what each of us would like, looking into my eyes as you voice my usual order and I nod agreement. We have come to an easy understanding between us, I am totally independent, not looking for you to take care of me, but I love it when you get all macho and masculine, it’s such a turn on, makes me feel feminine and tingly and kind of special.

The waiter brings our salads and you move your arm from behind me, we talk as we eat, easy conversation, but that question remains in your eyes until I drop my spoon and you reach down to pick it up for me, your hand on my thigh helping you balance, your fingers spread out and you realize that not only am I not wearing any nylons, but there is not a trace of any panties either. I hear your cough as you move farther under the table to verify this hypothesis. Your fingers move between my legs, I shift to give you easy access and feel your fingers brush against the trimmed hairs at my pussy lips, and then you briefly push inward to feel the dampness there. You come out from under the table and tablecloth, licking and sucking on your finger, you have found the answer to that question you’ve been pondering and your grin is absolutely wicked as you look into my eyes, your eyebrow raised and pull your finger out from between the suction of your lips. Your head snakes forward and you kiss my neck, nuzzling me there for a moment. My eyes are closed at the sensual feel of your tongue lightly licking there as your suck with your lips in unison.

The waiter’s cough draws us apart as he presents the dessert options for the evening, but I indicate that I have dessert waiting at my place, something special just for you. You smile and ask for the tab. Your arm goes around me again as we go to leave. You are determined to be carrying my jacket for me when we walk out into the cool night air. You help me into the car, leaning in with your body to cover my legs from outside view as you hold my outside leg in place while my other swings into the car, your hand moves quickly up my inner thigh and your thumb rubs against my clit and two of your fingers dip deep. I squirm and too quickly you are moving my leg inside the car and closing the door with a grin, again fingers moving to your mouth to savor the taste of me.
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