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Old 04-10-2018, 04:31 AM
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10 April 1918

Western Front
Kaiserschlacht: Unternehmung Georgette
, known in the west as Battles of the Lys or the German Lys Offensive: Battle of Éstaires (9th/11th): Battle of Messines 1918 (10th/11th): Messines taken by German forces (see June 14th, 1917 and September 28th, 1918). North of Armentieres, line forced back to Wytschaete, Messines Ridge and Ploegsteert; Armentieres evacuated with practically no loss, after 8 German Fourth Army divisions attack on 6-mile front.
Germans reach left bank of Lys river. From Estaires south to Givenchy position is maintained.
Assault of German infantry in the West:
British troops trying to tow a Leyland lorry that went over the steep side of the road: © IWM (Q 10886):
German prisoners captured by the British near Bethune, France: © IWM (Q 10883):

Eastern Front
: Germans take Kherson and Belgorod, northeast of Kharkov. Don Cossack Rising under Esaul Fetisov.
Siberia: Bolsheviki at Vladivostok reported to have fired on Japanese troops.

Naval and Overseas Operations
Monrovia (Liberia) bombarded by a German submarine (see August 4th, 1917), wireless station destroyed, 4 people killed.
Adriatic: 8 Franco-Italian destroyers, escorting 3 Italian battleships, move from Brindisi to Taranto, lose 2 of their number in night collisions.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Palestine: Action of Berukin
(until April 11): Turco-German troops attack British position in coastal sector and after preliminary success are driven back, and British line is slightly advanced.

Political, etc
: Settlement Treaty between Germany and Turkey ratified at Berlin (see January 11th, 1917).
Estonia: Estonian Riga assembly refuses union with Germany but Kaiser consents on April 21.
United Kingdom: Third Military Service act passed in British Parliament. Military age limit raised to 50, and Conscription extended to Ireland (see 18th, and June 8th 1916).
Canada: Bill appropriating £100,000,000 for war expenditure introduced.
Italy: Conference of Oppressed Nationalities ends. Agreement reached between Italy and the provisional State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs ("Pact of Rome").
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