Thread: Beer muscle
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Old 09-01-2008, 02:01 AM
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FlirtWithMe FlirtWithMe is offline
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Great advice already given Look at the snacks you're eating also, and prepare them so you've always got something to munch on if you're eating out of boredom or snacking due to lack of time for a proper meal. Take carrot sticks, an apple, a small banana, even a boiled egg out with you, so if you feel you NEED to eat something and it's not mealtime, you've got something healthy to snack on.

What citrus suggested about a smaller plate, smaller portions, and drinking water before you eat is very effective, I found

In addition to all that, I have a few pounds to lose also (a few being an understatement!), so if you chase me around the block a few times every morning before work, we'll both shed some of the excess
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