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Old 02-26-2006, 03:08 PM
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Loulabelle Loulabelle is offline
Mrs FussyPucker
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: England
Posts: 3,635
I've been following tips on when to do it, and not moving around too much afterwards...but I've also tried not to stress too much about it either (with mixed results!) I'm just trying all the right things at the beginning, rather than just assuming it'll happen without making a concerted effort and then being worried when I'm still not preggers in a year's time.

It's funny how you know all about the birds and bees until it suddenly becomes relevant to you, and then you realise that you have no idea about the actual mechanics of it! For example, I learned today that my egg will only stay viable for a maximum of 24 hours after it is released before it dissolves, whereas his sperm can live in me for about 4 days! No wonder timing is so crucial!
"Time flies like an arrow -
Fruit flies like a banana"

M Y - N A U G H T Y - P I C T U R E S ! !
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