Thread: Body Image
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Old 03-07-2003, 05:00 AM
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dm383 dm383 is offline
Pixies Horse Widower
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Welcome to Pixies Michael! I think everyone has something(s) about their body they'd like to change.. but I agree that 99% of these feelings are solely due to media insistence that "Skinny is best" or "Muscly is what women want", depending on the ad!!

I have been in relationships with women of lots of different shapes/sizes... and I was with all of them in spite of their "flaws", as they saw them; I always believed it was what is inside that makes someone attractive, and that just gets stronger as the years whiz by! Some of the sexiest women in the world those who are pregnant, IMHO!!

I turned 41 last week, and things are starting to head south/get bigger; it's just part of getting older I guess! I moan occasionally (jokily....usually LOL) about getting a bit of a pot-belly... and Celticangel just tells me to shut up, cos she loves me for who I am, not what I look like! That'll be me told, then!!

I also think that sites like this maybe help some people "get over" any issues they have with either themselves or others size/shape/flaws .. whatever. Every type of woman imaginable has posted pics here, and every single one of them is very sexy.. and that comes from inside, not the outside!

[Enough DM; you had your say, now sod off!!]

The selfish, they're all standing in line
Faithing and hoping to buy themselves time
Me, I figure as each breath goes by
I only own my mind
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