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Old 03-02-2004, 05:06 PM
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lakritze lakritze is offline
Ethical Epicurean
Join Date: May 2003
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Truth is that liberals have never met the truth and had the "flaws" of our thinking pointed out by the right wing.Our views have been totally MISREPRESENTED by the right. If you want to kow what liberals think about any given subject,ASK A LIBERAL...Not LIEmbaugh,Reagan,Bush (papa or baby) or anybody else that has an interest in telling you lies. As for the Bible,how do you interpret what is left up to so many interpretations?You only have to see what this current administration is doing throughout the world to see how far they are from the teachings of Jesus.As for gays,I have no problem with them.Many of my friends past and present are gay.Like the civil rights movement and the woman's liberation movement before them,gays only want to be reassured that they won't become a scapegoat for an ever increasing Fascist bunch of lying SOB's in the future.GOD IS NOT A REPUBLICAN...but can I say the same for the politics of the devil?
Sex is one of nine reasons for reincarnation.The other eight are unimportant...Henry Miller
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