View Full Version : Would you ever cheat?
05-28-2003, 09:34 PM
Title says it all. Would you ever cheat on your partner? When you answer please also tell if you have ever been cheated on. I have cheated on one of my many ex's, i would never do it again. My last ex cheated on me and it almost killed me, i would never want anyone to ever feel that way and therefore will never do it again, and feel bad for doing it in the past. What do you guys think?
05-28-2003, 09:41 PM
I have not cheated ............................yet! I can't say what I would do if the situation arrose and I felt it was worth the risk.
05-28-2003, 11:51 PM
I've been cheated on...would i ever? I don't think so....can anyone say truly that they wouldn't?
05-29-2003, 04:03 AM
I was cheated on by my ex - it hurt. Would I cheat - I think not but who can say.
05-29-2003, 09:12 AM
I have never been cheated on, thank goodness.
The thought of being with anyone other than my husband makes me physically ill, I couldn't do it.
05-29-2003, 10:02 AM
Funny....had the opportunity too a week or so back.....never took it...didn't seem right, although....cypering on-line seems ok....interested to find if any one else shares that thought?
05-29-2003, 06:52 PM
Even if I had the opportunity, I don't think I could ever do it. I feel sure she's never cheated on me. We've been together so long, and trust each other so much, that breaking the trust would hurt too much. Now, that's not to say we can't (or don't) fantasize. We're open about it, and are not threatened by it. I don't feel the need/desire to cheat....she still rocks my world.
05-29-2003, 07:23 PM
Nope.. wouldn't even consider it. Cheating to me would be hiding something from my spouse. I have been cheated on before (last marriage) and last realtionship.
05-30-2003, 03:06 AM
no never..... i have never cheated my wife.
even though i had many many chanced ... or in fact forced to do it.
but my will power has never let me cheat my wife.
05-30-2003, 05:53 AM
Easy to say no until you have an hand in your groin and
lust in your heart.
Vintage Vixen
05-30-2003, 07:25 AM
I personally have very strong feelings on this issue...NO,NO,NO,!Partly because it was done to me yrs ago and i wouldn't wish that hell on anyone.And also if you truly care for someone wether you're married to the person or not is it worth the risk of losing someone you love because you think you need something different or you might just need an ego boost cuz you're feeling shitty about yourself that day??Bottom line is paybacks a bitch and it might take a while to comeback around but it always does...:):)
05-31-2003, 01:51 PM
I have been cheated on before and like has been said, wouldn't want anyone else to go through that pain.
Me, I just love my wife to much to do something that stupid and painful to her, she is the best thing that has happened to me. Don't want to lose what is so special to me!
05-31-2003, 05:47 PM
Nope. Not me. I've got someone very special and she's enough. :)
05-31-2003, 06:06 PM
I like to think not; but I have never been put to the test.
05-31-2003, 08:32 PM
I think I have said this before, but I will repeat it. I wouldnt cheat, I just couldnt do it, the guilt would be too much to bear.
I dont think that cybersex is cheating, since there is really no human contact. Phonesex would be borderline for me, but less of a problem if it was some 900 number rather then someone my partner knows.
Prophet Reality
06-01-2003, 12:23 AM
Everyone can swear that they won't until the time arrives. I have never cheated on a partner. I have been tempted, and have even tried. But.....I come from a very unique background. And any lady that I get involved with is aware of my history and my beliefs. I feel that if you are open with your relationship and trust the other person, then there is no need to cheat. I feel that if your partner is aware of your activites, and is also free to do the same, that it enhances the relationship from time to time.
06-01-2003, 12:31 AM
i would NEVER EVER cheat, but then gain i haven't had many chances to cheat on someone. has anyone every cheated on me? not that i know of. well on second thought i might cheat...if EVERY SINGLE HUMAN LIFE depends on it :o seriously though, i don't have much going for me except my loyalty and my ability to be trusted...there is nothing that could ever make me compromise those things in a relationship
06-01-2003, 02:48 AM
I'm kind of an odd cookie, as some would say (okay, all would say), and so far I've been able to keep myself from falling in love... but even still, I wouldn't cheat.
I'm loyal and honorable.
No cheating for me. I've had several offers from various sources, but I don't think it's right. I have had relationships end in the past due to being cheated on and it hurt, so I wouldn't do that to anyone else.
The closest I've been was sleeping in the same bed with someone while I was dating a different girl. No touching or anything, but the attraction was there so I came clean and ended the relationship the next day. Even that felt horrible, I couldn't imagine if I had actually done anything.
06-04-2003, 08:32 AM
i would never ever do anything like that to my husband. I think a marriage is a marriage and at the end iof the day you really shouldnt cheat on someone you supposedly love and trust with all your heart. If you do feel the need to cheat then in my opinion your obvioulsy not in the right relationship. I fancy a male friend like mad but would never do anything with him sexually. I t just wouldnt be the done thing. And then not only that thers the guilt that comes after you have cheated. I couldnt live with myself.
06-04-2003, 10:26 AM
ok, i haven't before but i'm pretty sure i'd find it hard to resist if the offer was there..... i think some ppl are kidding themselves when they say they'd never. i heard a stat once that like 60% of ppl cheat at least once in their life.
06-04-2003, 10:28 AM
makes me think of an old line by Fonzie........"If you put out an advertisement....someone is going to answer it."
Vicious Tease
06-04-2003, 11:06 AM
I don't imagine I would ever cheat, but I hate to say never. I've been given the opportunity in various relationships and I've been tempted a time or two. On those occassions when I thought about it, I went home and discussed it with my SO. We talked about my feelings, what I needed that this other person seemed to be trying to provide and how we could fill that need. When he has been truly tempted we have done the same. It works. We always end up happy, content, exhausted and smiling!
Vintage Vixen
06-05-2003, 09:24 PM i said before,unless you've been cheated on and felt the pain of betrayal,it's easy to say yes you would or you might.But if you know the hell of betrayal and lies and have been hurt by it,i can't honestly beleive that many would actually put their s.o. through that hell unless you just didn't think you'd get caught (ha,ha)or the person is just a heartless,selfish bastard.Cheating has a certain stench and no way no how do you come out smellin like a rose.I Love my man to much to ever,ever do him wrong.
06-08-2003, 04:57 PM
Cheating is exactly what it says "Cheating" who wants that label? Besides cheating is too easy, I work too hard to keep what I want. So the answer is Never.
06-08-2003, 08:39 PM
I cheated on every woman that I was ever with and had been cheated on. That is until i became serious with my wife. that was 13 years ago. I seriously doubt that i would cheat on her. For all these years she has gives me everything I could ever want or need, and I love her dearly for it.
01-27-2004, 09:02 PM
This is a tough one. I'd like to say that I wouldn't cheat, but I'm enough of a realist to say that isn't true. And I know it wouldn't be true in my partner's case either. I can't foresee all situations, so it's possible that it could happen. A moment of weakness, a moment of desire, a moment of anger at being ignored in your relationship, a moment too far, a moment of drunken debauchery... Yes, they would probably be followed by much regret and heartbreak, but I've considered it, thought about it, and can't say that it would never happen.
I'd like to believe that if it happened, and my partner had an affair, I'd be able to forgive and recognise it for the fling that it was. Again, I'm enough of a realist to know that I'd be hurt, and it would take ages to get over the betrayal and loss of communication it would imply. Unless she did it with my blessing in the first place!
01-28-2004, 09:10 AM
ive cheated:
first night out without my (at the time) man, i got really drunk & kissed some guy.
i lost a lot of sleep cause of that. when we split up, i confessed, expecting anger. but no, he simply said "i know" and hugged me.
he explained that he found out from a friend who was with me, and although initially being angry, he said that i went home with him, that was all that mattered. i was shocked, but relieved.
ive been cheated on:
the same understanding bf as above, was seeing a 15 year old behind my back. i suppose thats what i get fr doing it to him. i was utterly devastated.
would I cheat again?
dont think so, but who can tell? i know if i ever got the chance to sleep with my ex again,i'd take it, not cause i miss him, i miss his parts & techniques lol
01-28-2004, 07:58 PM
If your partner knows about it and ok's it is that cheating? I have a gf..and he is ok with that...I admit I have cheated...but he has never...would I again? Depends on the circumstances...and I don't think cyber is cheating
01-28-2004, 08:34 PM
I never have cheated on my wife ( 16 year) but don't feel comfortable saying that I never will. I don't want to desire anyone other than her but sometimes there strong urges to see what else is out there.
01-28-2004, 09:54 PM
Well, I have to say I haven't cheated, but I have been cheated on. While I've been on the receiving end of that pain and would not want to pass that along to someone I love as much as my boyfriend, I would also not be comfortable saying that I would NEVER cheat. I'm a cautious, never say never kind of girl, and temptation is a strong thing.
Nik Satyr
01-29-2004, 10:39 PM
Devil's Advocate
I've "cheated," been "cheated on" and will probably "cheat" again. Quite honestly, when examined with the entire panoply of human betrayal, it seems rather innocuous; and besides, the idea that my life partner had given an orgasm to or received an orgasm from someone else doesn't really upset my equilibrium that much.
No love for the haters
I think things like "I haven't cheated YET" and "I don't know if I would" are strange things to say for anyone in a serious relationship. That sounds like giving yourself the option of hurting your partner, and in the end yourself, in a horrible way.
I haven't cheated or been cheated on (as far as I know), in the classical meaning of the word...
Hi, BTW. ;) First post from an old lurker....
01-29-2004, 11:49 PM
Hi arne...welcome to posting.
As a "I haven't cheated yet" person, let me tell you that I never want to hurt Mr. Lil and everyday make a conscious decision to remain faithful to our marriage. Temptation is knocking hard and heavy at my door and the "yet" reflects that I am still making that choice. In all actuality it is very likely that we will move to a more open marriage and then in that case it won't be cheating and this line of thinking will be moot.
01-29-2004, 11:59 PM
Temptation is a strong thing, but love and respect are pretty powerful too. I' have been terribly hurt in the past but I have remained honest and can hold my head high. Lil's "open marriage" maintains honesty and respect and allows everyone to maintain their integrity. Indulge yourself gracefully.
01-30-2004, 11:31 AM
I have been cheated on in the past but would never cheat on my partner now, its way too good a relationship 2 throw away on a hour long whim. Cyber is different, and both me and my partner do it.
01-31-2004, 10:31 PM
I agree that you have to keep your self-respect. Also important that you find someone to trust and care for. I'm not the "zipless fuck" type...but I can't say that I'd never cheat.
01-31-2004, 11:06 PM
I can say that I'd never cheat. We don't consider cyber fun to be cheating, so long as there's no serious emotional involvement. I personally have never let an internet situation come anywhere close to being considered emotional involvement.
02-03-2004, 08:43 AM
I've been cheated on. I have not cheated, nor will I. It's all about choices, consequences, and the depth of those two...I'm not sure I have the strength to challenge them..
02-03-2004, 10:13 AM
I've never been unfaithful and neither has Mrs. WI. Sex isn't important enough to break the bond between us. Will either of us ever be tempted enough to have a relationship outside of our marriage? We've discussed the possibility and are in agreement that if we find true love elsewhere, it would hurt but we would want the decency and courtesy of being told. We're not naive enough to think it's impossible. But will it ever happen? I don't know...I haven't mastered the mazes of Ammon-Ra.
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