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06-24-2003, 03:15 PM
hey guys need some advice here;) i am about to try and seduce my boyfriend... i want to get as many opinions as i can on what turns YOU on anything even your wildest fantasies;) nothing being taboo;) please let me know asap;)

06-24-2003, 04:41 PM
Come on Guys.. I know that each of you have some valuable insight here.... share it with the lovely lady....

:) Good Luck I_Juno

06-24-2003, 05:00 PM
Well start by kissing him. Nibble on his ear lobes, slide your tongue into his mouth. Be vocal as you caress his chest. Tease him till you think he is ready to boil then jump on him. Hope that helps.

06-24-2003, 11:18 PM
Seduce him in public where his opportunities to respond are limited. Firstly, dress just on the the tarty side of elegant. Look into his eyes, hang on every word he says, touch him, let your breast rub 'accidentally' against his arm. When you think you've almost got him hooked, tell him he's making you wet and horny.

You now have him in the palm of your hand. Tell him you've left your knickers off and if he can work out a way to do it in public, you'll let him see for himself. By now 100% of his attention will be focussed on your pussy and he will do ANYTHING to get his hands on it.

Good luck - wish I was there ----

06-24-2003, 11:54 PM
How to seduce a woman
wine her
dine her
buy her flowers
compliment her dress, hair, and shoes
write poetry for her
sing love songs for her

How to seduce a man
show up naked
bring beer

ericthered just about nailed it. All I can think to add would be possibly wear something a little more daring than you normally would. If you have a perfume he likes make sure to wear it. If you are eating out there are several suggestive things you could do with the right food. Lots of eye contact with a sexy smile ain't bad either.

Be sure to tell us how it went

06-25-2003, 01:06 AM
I've always been a fan of the ambush approach:

When he gets home from work, he finds you naked in the hallway where you instantly drop to your knees.......I think you can see where this is headed.... ;)

06-25-2003, 01:37 AM
Tie him up and use every part of his body! Save the best for last and he'll love you forever!

06-25-2003, 01:54 AM
Originally posted by Steph
Tie him up and use every part of his body! Save the best for last and he'll love you forever!

Hehe it is funny you mention this Steph...I actually just visited my very first dungeon a few days ago, was an interesting place :) Was visiting a friend who works there, but did not have the chance to play, perhaps another day :D

Sorry I know this doesn't relate to the topic at all...as for seduction, you could probablly do anything to him...but it is best when it is unexpected...the thought that you took the initiative and took him by suprise will turn him on I am sure. Even better...meet him for dinner someplace after work, but before you go out, deck out your bedroom in an erotic fashion whether it be with satin sheets, incense and candles ready to burn (but NOT lit lol don't want to come back with the house in flames), maybe special foods ready (sauces, creams, fruits, ect), any toys and paraphenelia in place...I think you get the picture. After a wonderful dinner, when you come back...the stage will be set, I am sure his eyes will pop out and...well, you can handle it from here, don't you think? ;)

06-25-2003, 02:07 AM
hmmm what turns me on, thats certainly a good question! lmao

I suppose it really depends on my mood, I know cuddling with someone I love always gets me going , theres nothing like snuggling with someone you care about while watching a movie and letting your hands wander over each other ^__^

of course othertimes I generally get really turned on by my girl acting like a total slut for me LMAO ok ok that sounds bad , but I've always said one of the main things I wanted was a girl that would be loyal to me but didn't mind acting really nasty in bed, of course I've always found being with someone I really care about to be a huge turn on , I'd expect the same from someone I was with,

so in conclusion I'd say probally one of the best ways would be to let him know that you really want him, lmao I'm sure the other posters can show some good ways of that lol I'm not the master seducter myself so I don't know too well hehe *gets out his pad and paper* time to take notes!

06-25-2003, 02:10 AM
turn up naked, bring beer :D

Slight variation on Lou's idea of the home from work ambush.....
wear one of his white shirts, no bra but a super sexy pair of panties. Let him get into the house without you saying a word just wait for him on the sofa........say nothing at all until he gets into the livingroom and sees you on sofa.....then with a sinful little smile and your sexiest seduction voice say "I've been waiting for you"...............If that doesn't get him naked n desperate to eat you 'til the cows come home he's turned gay and you're gonna have to come live with me n Lou :D:D:D

Passion Please
06-25-2003, 07:42 AM
There is no set easy plan... but it is definitely easier with most men to seduce them (IMHO)

I am very sensory driven... so sight then sound then touch then taste and smell come into igniting my fire.

Set the scene using each sense... but remember most of us guys are turned on just by sight alone.. so look good.

There are so many possibilities and combinations after that, that the mind boggles..

Also relax and enjoy yourself.. ooze confidence as you seduce your man.

Have fun.... (I am sure it will come to you very easily as you go)

06-25-2003, 09:35 AM
Be honest, be yourself. Tell him what you want to do to him, tell him how badly you want it. Gauge his reaction to everything you say - you'll learn what turns him on easily enough. Slowly begin to enact what you're saying as you say it..... slowly undress him, slowly kiss his neck, etc etc etc.

And then, after the big event, rush back here and tell us everything!!!!! ;)


06-25-2003, 10:15 AM
I don't have many ideas in this particular subject, but one thing I found that works is playing a sexy game. For example, one time I wrote my ex's name and the words "I Love You" on different parts of my body. He has 4 names and that totalled to about 7 different places for exploring. He loved the "treasure hunt" especially because of the naughty places I wrote the words... hee hee. Perhaps a little game that gets him in the mood for foreplay might lead to some adventures afterwards ::wink::