View Full Version : Handicapped Sex

01-09-2005, 07:10 PM
Women, would you still be able to love a guy if he had a TINY penis? If there's true love there then the answer should be yes in my opinion. My next question is would you look at that tiny penis as a handicap in some way? Not a handicap as in the sense of something to be held against him just something that he's lacking in his own way.

Now switch it over a little bit and say you got a woman with no breast, like cancer, would you see that as the same type of handicap?

The thinking behind all this nonsense is the question of how important is sex in a relationship. Also, if a handicap was present how that would affect that answer. I can already see that "handicap" is a bad name for it because I'm basically talking about basically anything in addition to any physical innomailty, anything that would basically make you classified as "low sexual activity type."

So ask yourself, would you let something like that get in the way of love and sex?

01-09-2005, 09:07 PM
You're right handicap is a bad choice. Handicapped describes an environment. A woman who has had a mastecomy is not normally disabled.

I consider someone who is rude, or has sexist/racist/etc....behavior to be less sexually attractive than most people who may be considered disabled. I think you are again just simply referring to a group of people who for whatever reason do not fit into society's mold of what is considered typical/ normal. And in my case that has no bearing on sex.

01-09-2005, 09:40 PM
Each person is more than the sum of his/her parts...and what you are talking about are just parts. Like Lilith, attitude plays a big part in my mind as to whether someone is sexually attractive to me or not. Perhaps when I was younger physical appearance played more of a part to me as far as an initial attraction that happens in order to get to know someone, but now that isn't so important to me - a person is much more than what you see and that adds to any attraction that I would feel toward that person.

01-09-2005, 09:46 PM
It's hard to describe what I was/am trying to say. Ok, how about this. As a general rule, those of us here at pixies have a higher than average sex drive. If you happened to be in love with someone with a abnormally low sex drive or a physical abnormality that makes them pretty much unable to perform fully. Something like that, whatever it may be, how do you think you'd be able to deal with that?

sorry for the confusion I hope that explanation is a little better.

01-09-2005, 09:50 PM
If I loved the person, I truly would not care. It wouldn't bother me to the point of leaving that person or cheating on them. When you love someone, it doesn't matter.

01-09-2005, 09:58 PM
That's my opinion basically

01-10-2005, 07:55 AM
Sexual interaction in a loving relationship starts at the brain and percolates south.

You strive to make your partner feel as good as you can possibly help them.

Compatible rubbing bits are a bonus, but the right back rub or foot massage rule.

01-10-2005, 09:20 AM
Thats why we have toys. :D They make up for those "off" days.

01-10-2005, 09:44 AM
If you really love someone then the only handicap you should have any true concern about is in your golf game. If your not into golf....then no worries!

Not meaning to sound flippant, but to love is a committment to the other person and to the relationship that you share. I think that two people can work through any misfortune that arises in life if they are in tune with one another and communicate honestly....... :)

01-10-2005, 11:00 AM
I've had my arm strapped down for 2 months and can have sex on all 3's instead of all 4's. Does that make me handicapped? If it did he damn sure didn't mind. :p

01-10-2005, 03:14 PM
I've had my arm strapped down for 2 months and can have sex on all 3's instead of all 4's. Does that make me handicapped? :p

NO way CGT..... you have an "army cap" :)

(I know, I know...not very funny, not even punny) :(

01-10-2005, 03:17 PM
LOL yeah it was! :D

01-10-2005, 05:05 PM
I've never been a huge breast man myself - a girl's gams are what gets me - so if cancer had that effect, it wouldn't effect my feelings for someone I love.

Though if the relationship were just starting out, I might be relunctant to get too deeply attached emotionally to a woman sufferring with cancer. Sounds mercenary but before you get attached, sometimes you have to think long term ... I want my wife to grow old with me. But then again, no one chooses to fall in love.

As far as a small dickly goes, if it caused any problems at all, I'd think it would be more likely to make the man self-conscious and thereby less skilled as a lover in the bedroom. Though, I hear from female friends that men like that learn to use other parts of the body, namely the tongue to compensate. Sort of like a blind person with crystal clear hearing ... hmm, maybe a bad analogy

Teddy Bear
01-10-2005, 09:46 PM
It's hard to describe what I was/am trying to say. Ok, how about this. As a general rule, those of us here at pixies have a higher than average sex drive. If you happened to be in love with someone with a abnormally low sex drive .................
Something like that, whatever it may be, how do you think you'd be able to deal with that?

I've been married for 28 years to a wonderful man. He's intellegent, funny, a good provider, a great father, and my best friend. We're only mismatched in one way. Which is why you see me at Pixies. ;) People who know wonder why I stay and yes, I'll admit that at times the grass does look greener on the other side of the fence. But I love him and promised to grow old with him and I plan on doing just that. I have an on line/phone lover who is everything hubbies not and he fills most of the empty spots in my life. Is that cheating? To some it is and to some it isn't. Thats how I deal with it.

01-13-2005, 05:57 AM
My first husband had a "handicap" in that he drank a lot of beer and watched every sport known to man...but when it came to sex, he just wasn't interested...unless he was asleep, and then he'd talk in his sleep about sex and my sexiness all the time. The times between sex with us could amount to anywhere from 3 months to 7 months...and yes, it took it's toll on our marriage. I gave the marriage all the chances I could because I loved the man I married and I hoped things would eventually, somehow (through therapy maybe...if only he'd go), change. After 8 looooooong years with him, I finally had to face reality and leave. I have no bad words for my ex...just a sad feeling of love lost for a basic, but essential, part of what makes up a good marriage.

I must say, it's not like I didn't know his ways and it all happened after we married. I married him with all the love and hope in my heart and tried to "change" him after the fact. In retrospect, I should have never married him in the first place because I know now that marriage isn't the vehicle in which to change the one you love. In other words...when I said "I do", I was thinking "I'll deal with it later".