View Full Version : swingers

04-10-2005, 07:56 PM
My wife and I went to our first swingers dance on Saturday...anyone ever go to one of these before?

It was quite and experience :)

04-10-2005, 09:18 PM
I've been :)

And yep....they certainly are an experience

04-10-2005, 10:16 PM
nope, never been to one. How was it?

04-11-2005, 04:15 PM
It was a mix of people different ages, shapes and sizes..but there was someone for everyone. Toward the end of the night there were less and less clothing on most of the women. Saw the odd breast being played with by usually other women. We went with another cpl and we pretty much kept to the 4 of us. We might consider going again...our biggest complaint was alot of smoke (starts to burn the eyes after awhile). Was fun though and definately a sexual charge.

04-11-2005, 04:40 PM
our biggest complaint was alot of smoke

So-o-o-o, does that mean swinging needs a warning..."could be hazardous to your health" ? :D

04-12-2005, 06:23 PM
You could say that.

Teddy Bear
04-13-2005, 12:07 PM
I think I'd like to check something like that out someday, but forget talking the hubby into it. So I'll have to attend with somebody else. ;)

Wasn't this held in a public building? If so shouldn't it have been smoke free?

04-13-2005, 05:46 PM
It was held in a club that isnt open to the public off the street..have to be a member or invited guest.

04-13-2005, 07:29 PM
I think I'd like to check something like that out someday, but forget talking the hubby into it. So I'll have to attend with somebody else. ;)

Wasn't this held in a public building? If so shouldn't it have been smoke free?

Smoking in public is still allowed in some places...Iwas very surprised when i went to Savannah to be offered smoking or non-smoking in a restaurant.

04-17-2005, 10:50 AM
The more you go the better it is.

04-17-2005, 10:56 AM
The more you go the better it is.

HAve you been Cjack?

04-24-2005, 10:16 PM
My wife and I are just starting to explore the possibility of swinging:)

04-25-2005, 03:32 PM
It has been a few years.