View Full Version : Pleasure Delayer

04-22-2005, 02:01 PM
Some one once accused me of being that^^^^

I some times go long periods of time without masturbating because usually I cum way too quickly. What can I say? I know how to please me :D

But there are some days where I steal light touches, gentle flicks of my clit through out the day. And then I finally give in and let myself cum, hips thrusting and ginding as I slide my fingers or a toy in and out fast, deep, and hard...... muscles contracting, tightening until the spasming finally begins. It's the kind of orgasm where you lie there after because you are not sure your legs will hold you up.

Are you a pleasure delayer?

04-22-2005, 02:09 PM
Yes I definately am......... i tease her to the point several times , then after an hour or more I give to her in whatever way she wants............

well maybe not what you meant Lil, but works for me!

04-22-2005, 03:15 PM
mmmmmmmm....i've be known, on occasion.

04-22-2005, 03:35 PM
i do it to myself all the time.. and when i finally orgasm, i go crazy and dizzy and dont move for a good 10min

04-22-2005, 03:42 PM
Of course. My motto is: A pleasure delayed is a more intense gratified pleasure. I don't know what the practice of delaying gratification is called,but I call it priming the pump.

04-22-2005, 04:04 PM
mmm i love it!

04-22-2005, 04:20 PM
Occasionally...but mostly I just *don't* touch myself and let myself get more and more worked up.

04-24-2005, 10:09 PM
Some one once accused me of being that^^^^

I some times go long periods of time without masturbating because usually I cum way too quickly. What can I say? I know how to please me :D

But there are some days where I steal light touches, gentle flicks of my clit through out the day. And then I finally give in and let myself cum, hips thrusting and ginding as I slide my fingers or a toy in and out fast, deep, and hard...... muscles contracting, tightening until the spasming finally begins. It's the kind of orgasm where you lie there after because you are not sure your legs will hold you up.

Are you a pleasure delayer?I am the same way Lilith, I will tease myself, rub my cock through my pants, or out of my pants bringing myself close time after time (been known to do it for hours) sometimes I don't even let myself cum I just go to bed.

04-28-2005, 03:48 PM
Well, after making the mistake of reading that when I can't do anything about it...I'm afraid I am a pleasure delayer. Today.

Actually, I find that I do that quite often. Usually in the morning, when I wake up feeling all warm and cozy. My cock is thick and soft, but springs right to attention when I touch it just the right way. I'll pull the covers back and stroke it slowly, lovingly, from the base all the way up to the head. Running my thumb across the spongey top while my finger rubs the underside of the crown, pinching slightly. I know if I continue...I'll cum. But I can't. I want to, but I want to wait. If I cum, it's over. The pleasure of the teasing is done. It's like someone says...sometimes it's the journey, not just the destination.

And when I finally let myself go...wow!

04-29-2005, 05:20 PM
Yep i am

08-11-2010, 07:01 AM
I've been thinking a lot about self restraint and delaying pleasure lately. It seems as if I have a love/hate relationship with that sweet ache.

08-11-2010, 07:31 AM
Lilith, that ache and all the build up can be as pleasurable as the eventual orgasm. I am pleasure delayer as well. The more often I bring my self right to edge and stop the more powerful the orgasm for me. I occasional do this to myself for prolonged periods of time; hours in fact. When I do this my balls feel full and ache so good. Then when I allow myself release the quantity of cum is much larger it shoots so much farther then a normal orgasm. I can easily give my self a facile this way.
Like you there days when I teasingly rub my cock through my slacks in the office during the day to stay on edge. Wearing one of my G strings in the office really keeps me on edge too. The silky material caressing my freshly shaven package, the string between my cheeks ticking my anus and the naughtiness of it drives me wild. At the end of the day that ach is intense..
Better then this of course is to have some sexy woman tease and deny me. Tie me down and put me through my paces until I am begging to be allowed to cum and I am in heaven..

08-11-2010, 06:04 PM
I generally find I am too greedy to delay and only do so when forced.

Just sayin'.

08-12-2010, 10:54 AM
Sometimes I am & sometimes I am not....;)

10-03-2010, 08:55 PM
hi l start off thinking along theses lines of delaying it but
it gets the better of me and l cum and very much enjoy it
very much , its to nice to delay


10-04-2010, 01:01 PM
I like lots of foreplay with a woman or girl. Teasing her, touching her and her me. It builds up and up to the point where you don't care who is around you need each other so bad. Or look at each other as we masterbate, stopping before we cum. I play this with a friend to see who cums first. The loser is the slave of the other and has to do whatever he/she is ordered to do.

If i am having phone sex with someone, I get close to cumming and then hold back, wanting the feeling to last and last. Besides a girl always should cum first in everything.

I love watching a girl play with herself (what guy doesn't?) letting it go on and on as she brings herself close than backs away. When she is ready to cum then I help her, like a gentleman should, in reaching her climax.

When in a car and the girl rubs my cock and I have to stop her to keep from cumming and then bring her hand back again over and over or I am chatting or talking to someone over the line and I am in a public place, I find a way to rub my cock, but of course I don't want to cum and soak my pants so have to get close and then back off. There are times when I want to grab a waitdress or salesgirl or coworker and just fuck the hell out of them because I am so turned on and need relief.

02-22-2012, 11:09 PM
I think that I am definitely a pleasure delayer. There is nothing more I enjoy than turning myself on all day. Leaving my desk and going to the ladies room just to quickly rub my clit a little. By the time I get home I am racing through the house, just to get to my toys. My imagination has usually made me so wet at this point I am practically dripping, but I still try and go slowly. To stretch out the pleasure as long as I can. When I finally cum, I explode.

02-09-2013, 10:30 PM
I think that I am definitely a pleasure delayer. There is nothing more I enjoy than turning myself on all day. Leaving my desk and going to the ladies room just to quickly rub my clit a little. By the time I get home I am racing through the house, just to get to my toys. My imagination has usually made me so wet at this point I am practically dripping, but I still try and go slowly. To stretch out the pleasure as long as I can. When I finally cum, I explode.



03-19-2013, 01:31 PM
Are you a pleasure delayer?

Yes...for 8 years now. :banghead:

03-19-2013, 05:16 PM
Being a pleasure delayer today cost me a $$ pricey bottle of wine that shattered all over the laundry room. Some things should be taken advantage of while you can.

03-19-2013, 05:47 PM
Being a pleasure delayer today cost me a $$ pricey bottle of wine that shattered all over the laundry room. Some things should be taken advantage of while you can.

LOL .. dare we ask what was the role of the pricey bottle of wine in the delaying of pleasure ???

04-20-2013, 04:03 PM
ha ha a kid at school eating trail mix says to me, "I saved all the best stuff for last" and I called him a pleasure delayer and then giggled remembering this thread

06-05-2013, 04:37 AM
I enjoy a slow build up over a few hours, stimulated by sexy chat or texts, maybe a few pics. My erection builds and ebbs multiple times, by balls ache and I can feel the cold sticky pre-cum against my thigh throughout the day. The final release either later that day or maybe the next morning can be ecstatic. However, am I a pleasure delayer? I'm not sure as the whole process gives me pleasure, maybe I'm a pleasure prolonger.

06-18-2013, 02:51 PM
Enjoy this thread, thought I'd add my latest experiment.

Enjoy masturbation and although I do not cum quickly I do like to prolong the experience.
Before full erection I have tried using tape along my shaft.
Have to be quick as the experience itself usually means full erection is soon achieved.
Gives a very tight grip that feels good.
I then tend to go a for a short walk, knowing what I have and feeling the sensation of the tape.
I come back and masturbate until I cum.
Have tried playing with removing tape as I climax which takes me to another place again :brows:

Here is a pic with a pixie message for you.

Have some shrink wrap to play with now.


06-18-2013, 07:34 PM
love the personalization of your personal bits!

06-19-2013, 04:56 PM
:hot: Jak, that is one VERY SEXY pic!! I have never heard of using tape and I find it very intriguing. *Looking over at my man and the tape dispenser*

I really do think we deserve to see a pic with the shrink wrap. :nod:

02-22-2016, 04:43 AM
Enjoy this thread, thought I'd add my latest experiment.

Enjoy masturbation and although I do not cum quickly I do like to prolong the experience.
Before full erection I have tried using tape along my shaft.
Have to be quick as the experience itself usually means full erection is soon achieved.
Gives a very tight grip that feels good.
I then tend to go a for a short walk, knowing what I have and feeling the sensation of the tape.
I come back and masturbate until I cum.
Have tried playing with removing tape as I climax which takes me to another place again :brows:

Here is a pic with a pixie message for you.

Have some shrink wrap to play with now.

Jak:faint: :hot: