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View Full Version : Riding Face/69

06-26-2002, 05:50 PM
I have a question exactly how do you ride face or be on top of a 69. I have been the bottom of a 69 but never the top. Now my s/o wants me to ride his face and i want some tips on how to do it.

06-26-2002, 09:08 PM
From my experience i like the woman on top better in a 69, she can ride my tongue and push down when she wants more pressure, not too mention it gives me great access to her um more wantan hole. To me it also works out better for her to bob up and down with her mouth...damn no I gotta go demonstrate right now

06-26-2002, 10:46 PM
I position my knees on either side of his face and I find it helps to place my hands on the wall or bedposts. It's fun because you can control the motion . . . wait now, that's not 69, that's riding face! For 69, I position myself over him and then prop myself over his cock. I find being on top is more comfortable, especially for eating him. Side-to-side 69 is good, too :)

06-26-2002, 11:10 PM
You can listen to her nikanik.;)
I've found it very nice for her to ride face with a pillow under AND BEHIND my head so I can go TO her when she wants more, without brakeing my nose or splitting my lip (has happened:( ). As much as I want to:p :p , I can't get my face in you, so remember when you are on top, that you can hurt him if he is aginst something firm.:rolleyes:

God it's hot tonight:o

06-26-2002, 11:16 PM
Depending on the length of your legs, what we do is I hook my arms around her thighs, she leans back onto my face, props herself over my cock...leaves her free to control how much she takes, & keeps my hands free to wander, probe, spread, & explore...

07-11-2002, 08:31 PM
personally I dislike being on the bottom... I feel completely smothered and trapped... thus making it not easy to enjoy the experience... for the 69 position... it is much more pleasureable to be on top.. :)

07-11-2002, 08:35 PM
so much easier for her to be on top as she can bob her head. Also, as her knees are on the bed/floor where ever, they can't snap shut around his head as hard. And yes, sometimes she can make my head feel like it is about to burst from her thigh pressure. As for riding face, kneel or squat over his face while he is on his back. Make sure that you are holding onto something, ie: headboard or wall for balance. :)

07-12-2002, 11:25 AM
ok im really glad someone started this thread because i have found that when im riding face i have the worst tendency to "get lost in the moment" and smother poor Mr.Evil......not that its not a great way to go but i'd really like to have him around for a bit longer..that said...any suggestions on how i can still enjoy myself without blocking off all the Mr.'s air??

*kisses* Mrs.Evil

Prophet Reality
07-12-2002, 01:22 PM
I myself love to have a woman on top for 69. I enjoy being able to reach all of her body parts that I like to play with. Also, so that I can lightly smack her ass and play with it too.

Dark Lord
07-12-2002, 02:12 PM
Use the force....Yoda is a little bastard, but he still lifted
Lukes X-Wing out of that damn disgusting swamp.
Levitation is the answer.

Sweet Chastity
07-20-2002, 05:34 PM
I love 69ers!!!!

Sweet Chastity

08-18-2002, 05:22 AM
69 is too confusing to do for long!

I like her to put a doubled pillow or similar behind the back of my head; that way my face is at about the right angle when she's kneeling upright. She can then rest her elbows on the bed head rest and move her hips around how ever she feels. Us poor men soon figure out how to breathe through the corners of our mouths so don't worry about that - just don't sit back on his jaw with all your weight in case you dislocate it!

Facing the other direction is also good - still use the pillow to lift the face up. but now you have to support your weight on your arms - more tiring I believe. I don't actually know because I'm just down below stoking the fire.